Studies and researches

The Fenix Group relied on top Universities and Research Institutes to test the Endospheres® technology and ensure its effectiveness.

Clinically Tested

The effectiveness and results of Compressive Microvibration® devices have undergone rigorous testing in scientific laboratories, conducted by expert teams. The execution protocols are meticulously developed through comprehensive studies and experiments. Every maneuver is recorded and analyzed in research institutes, ensuring a systematic approach that leaves nothing to chance and guarantees the achievement of results.

The execution protocols are the result of studies and experiments. Nothing is left to chance, the manoeuvres recorded and analysed in the medical-scientific centres are the only way to achieve results.

The Endospheres® Scientific Committee

Pierantonio Bacci

Professor of Aesthetic Surgery and Phlebology - University of Siena

Bianca Diffidenti

Surgeon - Professor at the University Federico II - Naples

Andrea Sbarbati

Professor of Medicine and Surgery - University of Verona

Raoul Saggini

Full Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Department of Motor and Physical Education

Jean Marc Chardonneau

Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine and Phlebology

Galyna Selezneva

Body contouring specialist

Tiana Presolska

Anti-age expert | Master of Nutrition - Medical University Sofia

University of Chieti and Pescara

University of Verona

Endospheres Evolution

At its core is the method, Compressive Microvibration®. Fenix Group has declined the method in different Endospheres® devices to meet the needs of professionals and to give visible and lasting results to those who choose Endospheres® as their treatment. Endospheres Evolution stands out as our most technologically advanced device, designed to meet the precise needs of practitioners who aspire to deliver reliable and exceptional results for their patients.

Discover Endospheres Evolution